Flowchart4C# is a program visualization tool for C#. It provides flowcharts for C# methods generated from source code. The Control Flow Graph helps us to understand code flow quickly. Alternatively it is used for retro-documentation and program analysis.
Flowchart4C# - is available as an Add-in for VisualStudio.NET IDE, developers have an in-place program visualization tool which improves understandability of code. Flowchart4C# is interactive and provides features like code to flowchart synchronization, level folding, block expansion, exports diagram to Microsoft Visio, highlighting complex conditions and exit points.
While a control flow diagram reconstructed automatically from source code could help understand the code quickly, exporting the flowchart diagram to visio makes it editable and helps developers to document their code quickly. A jump start for documenting core algorithms. Documenting at least the core/important functions of an application would only improve maintainability and provide solution to developer-lockin problem.